The Moth Chase

Elevating the Art of Procrastanalysis – Academics wasting time on pop culture

Posts Tagged ‘Vampire hunter

One of the Five?

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Dear Kathryn,

Well, I suppose the big mystery of the evening is: who are these 5? And why does the hunter not even know he’s one of them? It looks like next week is going to have some historical flashbacks – so perhaps we’ll see an origin story that connects these hunters to the creation of the originals? Aren’t there 5 originals? Is there a hunter for each original? Lots of questions, but not a whole lot of answers. In fact, despite the explosions and revelations, it seems this episode was really all about a big relationship shuffle with a little filler. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by themothchase

October 25, 2012 at 8:40 pm